Saturday, July 5, 2008

Great Garagers

I have been gone for quite some time - a few varied reasons, including a consuming interest in AfroBeat and Dub taking me in meandering directions, not always leading to female musicians, a full clean of my hard drive, which took some time to recover from, and laziness. I hope you enjoy this post on two female garage acts you might already know. Take a moment to fill out my survey - I'm closer to 100 responses than before, so just 38 more folks!! Much appreciated.

If you've had a chance to check our my good friend's blog over at the PsychoMafia (link to the right), then you may have had a chance to listen to April March with the Makers, a great example of garage rock. You may also be familiar with April March from "The Shitbirds" posted here on musicisabetternoise (see below). This bilingual album may not be her best example as a garage rocker, but definitely of the 60s Rock and Roll sort, and a bit of France Gall from "Gay Paris" (note French pronunciation on Paris). Hope you enjoy this one.

Paris in April

Holly Golightly will rock your socks off. This British singer/songwriter once fronted the all female garage group "Thee Headcoatees," a variation on the Billy Childish act. You might also recognizing her as a collaborating artist with the White Stripes, but personally, I think she's much more rockin. Check this one out.

Painted On


ribelle said...

I'm so glad you're posting again! I love your blog very much.

CTB said...

Thanks so much - sometimes I need those words of encouragement.

blog said...

Lovely blog
i love April March!